The Challenge We Took upon Our-self(Quick Report)Cross Platform APP

Ahmed Belhaj
4 min readJun 23, 2021


Quick Report is a cross platform Application to replace the standard paper process when filling an accident in Tunisia it help the auto insurance Company manage their Client , and users to fill a report easier and faster from their mobile phone .

This Project was Created by Ahmed Belhaj, mohamed chedli, Amin BONDI

When it Come to Timeline this project was done in 20 Day.

We managed the workflow between team member at first by focusing on different aspect of the project Mohamed Amine Bondi was driven into the mobile side using Flutter which is a framework of dart . he was the lead on the mobile side . When it Come to Mohamed Chedli he was focusing on the web side Front-end using React js , but when it come to me i was the one focusing on the back-end(Rest API and Database) PostgreSQL and python flask . as we progressed through the project we found a difficulty managing the workflow between the different part of the project we decided to follow a different approach by moving forward helping each other and working with each other in same problems we face , which come in handy afterword when we moved to the integration part . as our time come to an end (deadline) we wanted to focus on three thing: Creating a proof that we can Create a report for the accident with different company and cars and the main objective a faster process than old-fashioned paper work . and secured way to protect the company and user data.

when come to the story behind the idea . Most people nowadays use cars everyday Typically friends Family … , Friends of ours have been into accident before .and his complain about this procedure is hard to make time for a meeting with the other person to fill the report and how long it take . so we decided why not creating a solution it . and also facilitate the procedure for the insurance company also . which was Quick Report .

Moving on to the Technical side of the Application :

For the backend API side was purely python we used flask(flask_restful) and sqlAlchemy , we also focused introducing JWT Authentication using flask_jwt, password and data hashing using passlib … , the design of the database was one of the Challenges we faced , the relationship between table was hard to maintain and complicated to implement into the routes but with time we tried to optimize it the maximum and the jwt authentication was a bit of challenge in the Front-end side and mobile when it come to integration . in the mobile side learning the language and the Framework (Dart/Flutter) was one of the biggest challenge we took upon our self , we used Http and shared_preferences and Duo . http and duo are used to make request into the API server , but shard preferences used to store the jwt token into phone which was a challenge along handling the Future type .

React Also Has the similarity when it come to Challenges in the web side handling the promise type , and learning it in a short period . saving the token using it , we worked with hooks and functional Component , Bootstrap jsx …

In such short period we Accomplished one of the biggest Challenges learning new tools and technology using jwt Feature , Creating A Responsive a Web App and Also Mobile APP which both had different technologies different Feature and unique Design , such the Ability to select Multiple Company and Multiple Car , Match Two user in one report …

Working with Team and Handling The Workflow Between distinct aspect of the project , learning different tools , Working with Azure Cloud Also When it Come Deployment(Ngnix/Gunicorn) . With a Payload of the Time and Work and Being Teacher assistant for Other Cohorts, Building The Confident and skills to Create such APP was one of the biggest achievement when it come to the path of software Engineering And Personal career .

Ahmed Belhaj: Junior software Engenier , student and Teacher Assistant @ Holbertonschool (Linkedin /Github )



Ahmed Belhaj
Ahmed Belhaj

Written by Ahmed Belhaj

Dedicated DevOps Engineer with expertise in system administration, core development, and a full-stack software development.

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